Empower your students to collaborate creatively in a playful environment with Myndset

Fostering Classroom Collab

Empower your students to collaborate creatively in a playful environment with Myndset. Turn your classroom into an innovation hub, nurturing problem-solving and team-building skills. Unleash the potential of every learner, cultivating a future filled with innovators and team builders.

Ignite Passion With Play

Turn your classroom into a dynamic playground of ideas and collaboration in just 30 minutes. With every passing minute, watch ideas flow, teams form, and students reignite their passion for learning. With Myndset, each lesson becomes a journey to creativity.

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Shaping Tomorrow's Innovators

Guide your students as they turn their raw ideas into powerful pitches. Myndset is more than just another educational tool it's a catalyst, transforming classrooms into team work simulations. With Myndset, you are helping the leaders of tomorrow build their core skills today.

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Creating Leaders

Equip your students with the confidence to challenge the status quo. Turn your classroom into a safe space where risk-taking is celebrated, and failures become part of moving forward. With Myndset, every team challenge becomes an opportunity to grow, encouraging students to think like entrepreneurs and act with purpose together.

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Don't go solo

Our team of creative storytellers will help you shape your story and create a lasting emotional bond with your audience. Harvest the experience from our team of authors, screenwriters, and sales leaders with more than 20+ years of passionate storytelling practice. Let us know how we can help!

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Introduction of Myndset Cards

With Myndset it does not matter who is trying to create an idea - whether they are creative directors, teachers, startups, writers or students. Learn about our simple, but challenging method and take the guesswork out of creating value-based ideas - in just 30 mins!We gamified ideation for you, so let's get started!

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Free Education Cards

Your first story is on the house! Download 5 Education Cards, learn the basics of our method, and get inspired to create your first story. We know it will be great! Additionally you will be the first to know when we kick off events or free seminars and be invited to join our community.
Designed with ♥ in Munich

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